
GillianXu 发表于 2011/7/30 13:54:00


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GillianXu 发表于 2010/9/1 13:44:00





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GillianXu 发表于 2008/5/16 11:33:00



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[心情驿站]Who is doing what?

GillianXu 发表于 2008/4/22 14:43:00

Another one will leave soon. It's a kind of sadness.

HR is sick in the hospital. Team leader is not satisfied with the attitude. Boss is not willing to look into the details or team leaders' domain.

Who cares?

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34 Writing Tips That Will Make You a Better Writer

GillianXu 发表于 2008/4/8 14:34:00

该日志同步发布于帖子:“34 Writing Tips That Will Make You a Better Writer”
A couple of weeks ago we asked our readers to share their writing tips. The response was far beyond the initial expectations, and the quality of the tips included was amazing. Thanks for everyone who contributed.

Now, without further delay, the 34 writing tips that will make you a better writer!

1. Daniel
Pay attention to punctuation; especially to the correct use of commas and periods. These two punctuation marks regulate the flow of your though

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GillianXu 发表于 2008/3/31 15:05:00

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[心情驿站]Where to go?

GillianXu 发表于 2008/3/27 10:51:00

We talked a lot yesterday. From my observation, he is asking for an immediate salary raise if he starts PM work. But the boss won't allow that. He has to prove his ability in the area before getting salary raised.

There are several issues here,

1) PMs' salary is high than others, so even senior DEVs want to be a PM to get more money no matter he loves PM work or not;

2) There's no work-flow defined for internal work rearrangement.


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GillianXu 发表于 2008/3/25 9:39:00


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GillianXu 发表于 2008/3/21 15:20:00




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[心情驿站]It's a feeling of hurt

GillianXu 发表于 2008/3/12 14:51:00


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